Okay… So, I've now visited Planet Fitness twice to workout.
I have an appointment set up for a week from today with their "fitness trainer" (I think that's what they call him) where we will be able to put together a routine together based on my own needs and goals. Until that time… I'm spending my time on the treadmill. I know weight training is an important part of a workout…but I'm a little scared of them… at least until I'm properly trained in what to do and the proper form. When it comes to cardio, I think I pretty much know how to use the machines and what intensity to go for the cardiovascular benefits. But I don't know weights at all. And I'm afraid of hurting myself either through trying too hard right off the bat, or through poor form. So, until next week, I'll hit the treadmill. As I get in better shape and start losing a bit of weight and become stronger, then I'll start mixing it up with the elipticals and other machines, but for right now, treadmills are the easiest on my knees. Although, I will occasionally get on the bikes. Usually I like the bikes for cool down periods.
Anyway…. two workouts in. Day One: In the past, I find it works best for me to begin my day with a workout. I wake up, get dressed, and go workout. Then I can come home, shower, etc., and proceed with my day. So that's what I did. Except, I work a graveyard shift, so my wake up time is about 7:15 P.M. So, I got up and left. I wanted to be at the gym by 7:30. It was a bit crowded. Turns out 7:30-ish is one of their peak times. But there were still machines available… and I really don't care about crowds. I don't care if 40 million people are watching me… I don't care what they think anyway). I tired out quickly and kind of had to force myself to keep going. I kept the speed low enough that I could breathe and carry on a conversation, but my body was tired. And I just had to force myself to keep going. Kept repeating all the mantras I'd heard on The Biggest Loser and repeating to myself all the reasons I wanted to do this. Tried to imagine my goal sitting in front of me and every step was taking me closer to it. It's very cliche, but because it's still early on, it worked. We'll see how that's working for me three months from now and beyond. I spent about 45 minutes on the treadmill and got on a bike for about 5 minutes to cool down. I was gonna spend longer than that, but my body was giving out on me. I was done!
Day Two: I was a bit smarter today. I got a bit better sleep. And I was smart enough to eat a banana before I went. I felt a bit sorer (is that a word?) than I had yesterday, but the energy level was better. I didn't have to resort to my positive thinking mantras to keep myself going. And I stretched a little afterwards which helped with the soreness. I'm not good at warming up. I need to be better at that. Maybe warming up and stretching beforehand will help with the soreness. But anyway. Skipped the bike today and just did the treadmill. A little over 45 minutes. Having better energy tonight was encouraging.
When it comes to diet… I'm still working out some bugs. I'm doing better at incorporating more fruits and veggies into my diet. I taking little containers of veggies (carrots, celery, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, etc.) with me to work. I found a recipe for a veggie dip that I feel pretty good about as far as health goes, and it actually tastes good (honestly, that surprised me). I've also been taking apple slices and strawberries as well. I will take some string cheese and either greek yogurt or peanut butter for some protein. And I snack on those instead of my usual supply of junk food. I'm still trying to find good things to eat for meals though. Something that actually has substance and feels like real food to my stomach… without being too high in fat or calories. I finally just a had a sandwich tonight. Turkey and swiss. I need to change up my white bread for a whole wheat option. And I'm really okay with that. I like whole wheat bread. What I also need to do is figure out a lower fat option for mayonnaise! It's not the flavor I need… it's the moisture! I hate dry food.
So, there are obviously some things I need to iron out. But I feel like I'm on the right path. I sat down and played a card game tonight with my sisters before coming to work. They brought out ice cream and girl scout cookies. I had a small scoop of ice cream and three cookies. I'm not claiming that was the healthiest option I could have made, but I was proud of myself for being able to limit it to that, especially when there were two brand newly opened boxes sitting right there in arms reach. I'll take the small victories where I can get them. Especially when it comes to food… because I know that will be my hardest thing.
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