Thursday, May 1, 2014


Met with the fitness trainer at the gym to design my own workout. I must say… I'm a little frustrated. It was only an hour and it wasn't one on one. So, it felt a bit rushed. There are still some things I'm unsure of. But I do have to admit, he gave me some good information. Information that will help me in the long run. Which is more than I can say for anybody else.

He asked me to take my pulse so he could determine my resting heart rate. Which, I had a hard time finding. And when I thought I had it… and I told him what the number was, he said we'd have to try it again, because it couldn't be right. So, I handed him my wrist and let him take it. It was hard for him to find it too, but he finally got it. Anyway… from there, he did a little math and figured out my target heart rates for aerobic purposes and fat burning purposes. Anyway… after it was all over, I only had about a half hour left I could exercise before I had to get back so I could get ready for work. So, I just got back on the treadmill. I did try to find my heart rate from the sensors, so I could tell where I was from what he gave me as target. And that's a good portion where the frustration comes in. I had upped my speed until I could barely breathe… and my body was screaming at me… and I when I checked my heart rate, it was barely above the "resting" level heart rate.

I can't hardly believe that's right. I keep thinking one of them must be off. There is no chance on God's green earth that I'll be able to hit those, neither the aerobic one or the fat burning one. But he did say that if I couldn't hit it… it was okay. It would come with time.

It's really disheartening. It's realizing all over again how bad of shape I'm in.

Okay… deep breath. One step at a time. One rep at a time. I went through more painful stuff than this during that five year overhaul. Granted it was a different kind of pain. But it was no less real. And I survived it. I kept at it. I can do this. Just breathe and don't give up.

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